Friday, September 4, 2015

A Partial History of Dirty Political Tricks

Beware Partisans and Political Parties

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

The more things, change, the more they remain the same

The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

Washington's Farewell Address, 1796

Perhaps the dirtiest trick is convincing voters we have only two choices, the conservative right warfare or left liberal welfare party, when in reality there is one Janus two-headed political party of big government theft. 
Arrogance, Corruption and Dirty Tricks 

Be Prepared to Protect Yourself and Fight Back

  • Demoralize the base with catchy slogans, phony press releases and whisper campaigns.
  • Attack opponents strength with character assassination.
  • Suppress the vote in every possible way.
  • Buy people off with government checks or rebates
  • Scare the rest into voting against their own interests.
In the 2000 and 2004 elections there was massive voter fraud and suppression:

from dangling chads, extraordinary Supreme court rulings and recount stops to black box voting fraud, vote tabulating fraud, re-registering people into different precincts, destroying voter registration forms, misinformation in poor neighborhoods, moving polls close to election day, old ballot machines in poor and black neighborhoods that spoil votes, voter intimidation, ballot checking machines in certain neighborhoods that allow certain voters to re-cast spoiled ballots, police intimidation, caging lists and on and on and on. The result was an 8 million vote discrepancy between official results and exit polls. The official results had one candidate winning by 3 million votes but the exit polls had the other candidate winning by 5 million votes.

Political parties have two major factors on their side: 

a fanatical base willing to carry out dirty tricks and the greediest special interests to finance them. They deceive good people by raising the red flag of hot button issues like abortion, benefits, minimum wage, national security, racism, sexism, to divert attention away from arrogant and greedy policies that promote the poverty, war and pollution we face today.

The next time a political partisan tells US, “America, love it or leave it”, we can tell them we love America. We just want special interests to stop molesting her. If they act like they don't know what you're talking about, send them here.

Partial History of Dirty Tricks
1789 - Partisans deceptively co-opted the flag, religion, Christmas and our founding fathers. However, George Washington aspired for America to become a free nation above partisan divide:

As Mankind becomes more free, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and freedom.
-- George Washington

The 1st Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

"If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hands of the clergy." -- Marquis de Lafayette, French American Revolutionary War hero 

1800 - Federalist newspapers claimed that the election of Thomas Jefferson would cause the "teaching of murder robbery, rape, adultery and incest". Democrat Republican Jefferson won anyway, ushering the eventual demise of the Federalist Party. Read More... Also...

Federalist newspaper depicted Thomas Jefferson as a traitorous "Prairie Dog" handing over the US treasury to France. On the right dances a French diplomat who says, "A gull for the People."

An earlier political cartoon portrayed Jefferson as the product of Satan lusting for power.

Federalist Party attack ad depicted Jefferson as attempting to destroy the Constitution, stopped by God and an American eagle.

NOTE: If a partisan claims Thomas Jefferson as one of their own because of his views on "limited government," remind them that Jefferson's position was based on an agrarian vision of America. Jefferson was very much against and afraid of the industrial, capitalist, corporate, "free trade" partisans led us into because of the potential abuse and suppression of Democracy.

"Under a separation of state and economics, especially with "laissez-faire capitalism" [Free Trade], the state no longer has a role to play in protecting the people and assuring their happiness. Laissez-faire means capitalism is outside the regulatory control of the state and that the people are entirely at the mercy of the capitalists."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
-- Thomas Jefferson

1828 - Supporters of partisan presidential candidate John Quincy Adams distributed a pamphlet which claimed: Democratic candidate Andrew Jackson's mother "was a common prostitute brought to this country by British solders! She afterwards married a mulatto man with whom she had several children of which number General Jackson is one!!" Jackson won anyway, went on to pay off the U.S. debt for the first time in history and left office in 1836 with a $400,000 surplus not to be repeated until 1998. He drove the Indians off their lands. Read More...

Let the people rule” -- Andrew Jackson

1844 – Partisan Whig boss Thurlow Weed put out a false newspaper story alleging slaves were found branded with the initials of partisan candidate James Polk. The article falsely implied that Polk sold slaves to finance his candidacy. The Whigs also tried to demoralize the Party by forging and circulating a letter that indicated the campaign was going badly. And the old standby, Whigs printed phony ballots that mixed up the names of the candidates with their party. James Polk won anyway and expanded the United States by more than a million square miles, across Texas , New Mexico , California and Oregon, more than any other President. From “sea to shining sea” Polk established the border with Canada and successfully waged war with Mexico to make the US a complete nation. Polk also started the Naval Academy, the Washington Monument and issued the first postage stamp. Read More...

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
-- Abraham Lincoln, 1864

""In God we trust" first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864 during the Civil War under President Lincoln

Lincoln was shot by, John Wilkes Booth, in a failed conspiracy to also kill
Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William H. Seward

1870s - In the West, agents, working for bankers and railroad industrialists, promoted gold rushes and land grants to flood settlers into unsettled land. They sold whiskey and guns to Indians to incite trouble with settlers and gold miners so US troops were sent in to remove the Indians. Line agents gave smallpox infected blankets to Indians to kill their women and children.

Ulysses S. Grant - Corruption, Graft, and Bribery

The administration of Mark Twain biography Ulysses S. Grant was one of the most corrupt and disastrous in U.S. history. The "Credit Mobilier" (Railroad) scandal, the "Whiskey Ring" scandal and the Depression of 1873, led to the quick end of Reconstruction in the South and left newly freed slaves at the mercy of southern retribution for more than 80 years. The Whiskey Ring Scandal involved a group of distillers who were found falsifying reports and cheating the government out of millions in tax dollars. Many of president Grant's appointees were involved in the scandal including Grant's personal secretary, Orville E. Babcock. Even though the prosecutor had mounds of evidence against him, Babcock was acquitted after forced to resign.

The Railroad Scandal

The greatest financial scandal of the nineteenth century was orchestrated by a collusion between industrialists and partisan congressmen and members of the Grant administration. They arranged for the Credit Mobilier holding company to receive government land and money to build a railroad out west. In return these men received bribes and kickbacks and the railroad was never built.

Many railroad builders viewed the Plains Indians as obstacles to be removed. General William Tecumseh Sherman wrote in 1867: "The more we can kill this year, the less will have to be killed the next year, for the more I see of these Indians the more convinced I am that they all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers."

Custer's Last Stand

In 1876, president Grant's Secretary of War, William Belknep, was under investigation for accepting bribes in connection with the Indian Agency. Belknap also sold trading post appointments (along with Grant's brother Orvil) and received kickbacks which caused high prices at the trading posts, where U.S. soldiers were forced by regulations to buy. Lt. Col. George Custer previously arrested Ulysses S. Grant's son, Fred, during the Black Hills Expedition. He began an investigation into the trading post corruption. He labeled the traders "a bunch of crooks," adding Secretary Belknap was the "chief of the thieves." Custer was being groomed to run for president in the next election. Before he could give congressional testimony about the corruption, Custer found himself surrounded by hundreds of Indians armed with hundreds of new repeating rifles, against Army issue, single shot rifles. Where did poor Indians get all that high tech fire power?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn, or "Custer's Last Stand," coincidentally solved all the partisan problems by taking the focus off their scandals. It was also used to inflame Indian hatred and remove the rest of the Indians in the West, allowing railroad corruption to continue. Over the course of Grant's presidency, all of the executive departments came under congressional investigation. Read More... And More... And More...

Corporate Personhood - The 14th Amendment, written by Nevada Independent Senator William Morris Stewart, was supposed to protect African American citizen rights. It was ultimately contorted by partisan courts to extend human rights to corporations. Over 20 years the Supreme court was packed with pro corporate justices. Of 14th Amendment cases brought before the Supreme Court between 1890 and 1910, nineteen of them dealt with African Americans, 288 were argued to protect corporations. Below are a sample of the cases settled in favor of "Corporate Personhood".

1886 - Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad - “The court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution... applies to corporations. We are all of the opinion that it does” This statement by the Supreme Court gave corporations the status of "Corporate Personhood" and claim to equal protection under laws of all U.S. human rights.

1889 - Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad v. Beckwith - Supreme Court ruled a corporation is a “person” for both due process and equal protection.

1893 - Noble v. Union River - Supreme Court ruled corporations have claim to the Bill of Rights.

1908 - Armour Packing Co. v. U.S. - Supreme Court ruled corporations get 6th Amendment right to jury trial in a criminal case. A corporate defendant was then considered the “accused.”

1938 - Conn. General Life Ins. v. Johnson - Upheld "Corporate Personhood." Justice Black dissented: "I do not believe the word ‘person’ in the Fourteenth Amendment includes corporations.”

1947 - Taft-Hartley Act - Supreme Court ruled corporations are granted “free speech.”

1949 - Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Glander - Upheld "Corporate Personhood," ruled corporations were given rights as persons under the 14th Amendment.

1967 - See v. City of Seattle - Supreme Court granted corporations 4th Amendment protection from random inspection by fire departments.

1976 - Buckley v. Valeo - The Supreme Court ruled political money is equivalent to speech, extending the right for corporations to donate money to political candidates and parties.

1976 - Virginia Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Consumer Council - The Supreme Court protected commercial speech. Corporate advertising was then free speech.

1977 - First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti - Upheld "Corporate Personhood." Dissent by Justices White, Brennan, Marshall: “...the special status of corporations has placed them in a position to control vast amounts of economic power which may, if not regulated, dominate not only our economy but the very heart of our democracy, the electoral process...The State need not allow its own creation to consume it.”

1977 - First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti - The First Amendment was used to overturn state restrictions on corporate spending on political referenda. This precedent was used, with Buckley v. Valeo, to thwart attempts to remove corporate money from politics. The power of the people in America was then nullified by corporate wealth and power.

By 1977 the power of the American people was nullified by corporate wealth and power.

2010 Citizens United v Federal Election Commission legislated unlimited corporate, special interest and union spending on politics, the icing on the cake against We the people.

Unequal Protection: The rise of corporate dominance and theft of human rights by Thom Hartmann
1884 - Grover Cleveland years earlier had fathered an illegitimate child. He had taken full financial responsibility for his offspring and publicly acknowledged that he had made a mistake. His opponents, however, kept the matter in the public mind by chanting, "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House. Ha, ha, ha." The opponent had engaged in questionable investment schemes while on the public payroll so partisans used the refrain, "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, the continental liar from the state of Maine!" Read More...

"Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters."
-- Grover Cleveland

1888 – Grover Cleveland was ousted by a single Republican Dirty Trick. Posing as Charles Murchison, a naturalized Englishman, living in California , partisan operative George Osgoodby forged a letter to British ambassador to the United States, Sir Lionel West, asking which candidate would be best for Great Britain. The ambassadors reply letter was published, indicating his endorsement of Cleveland. The large Irish immigrant community hated Great Britain, so Cleveland lost the critical Irish vote in New York and the election.

Dirty Tricks in American Politics

1912 - Teddy Roosevelt strengthened regulations on big business, brining 44 lawsuits against corporate monopolies (including: Rockefeller, Carnegie, Schwab and J.P. Morgan). 

TR established a new federal Department of Labor and Commerce, which earned Roosevelt the nickname "Trustbuster." 

As a result of his actions, Roosevelt was rejected by his Party in 1912 and ran on the Progressive Bull Moose ticket, where he split the vote, ensuring a win by partisan Woodrow Wilson. This allowed partisans to further take control of the opposition Party.

The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.” -- Woodrow Wilson

1920s - The prosperous Roaring Twenties were an era dominated by partisan presidents: Warren Harding (1920-1923), Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933). Under their economic philosophy of laissez-faire ("leave it alone" or “Free Trade”), markets were allowed to operate without government interference. Taxes and regulation were slashed dramatically, monopolies were allowed to form, and inequality of wealth and income reached record levels. No need for dirty tricks. Arrogance, greed and selfishness were in power. Right up until the Great Depression.

Warren G. Harding and the "Ohio Gang"

The administration of Warren G. Harding is considered by many to have been even more corrupt than Ulysses S. Grant. The Teapot Dome Scandal was one of the most embarrassing episodes in U.S. history. In 1921 Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, a member of Harding's "Ohio Gang" was able to gain control of valuable oil fields in Teapot Dome, Wyoming and Elk Hill, California. These oil fields had been set aside by the government for use by the navy. In 1922, Secretary Fall made a secret deal with two rich oilmen. He gave them a lease to pump oil out of the fields and sell it for themselves. Fall received $325,000 in bonds and cash as well as a large herd of cattle.

Another Harding "Ohio Gang" member, Jesse Smith, assistant to Attorney General Harry M. Cramer, was exposed as a "bagman" when he was caught carrying bribes to and from the Attorney General's office. Charles Forbes, head of the Veterans Bureau, was convicted of taking at least $250 million dollars in kickbacks and bribes. Charles Cramer, legal adviser to the Veterans Bureau was exposed for taking bribes. Colonel Thomas W. Miller, head of the Office of Alien Property, was convicted of fraud. He had sold valuable German patents seized in the first world war for below market prices. He too had taken bribes. Through it all only Harding, Calvin Coolidge and a few members of the Cabinet remained in the clear. In 1923, Harding declared "I have no trouble with my enemies... but my damned friends, they're the ones that keep me up at night!" Read More...

Today partisan think tanks are actively trying to convince people that one party are actually Socialists. Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein were all Socialists and therefore linked to this party. But Hitler co-opted the popular socialist movement in Germany just as he co-opted Christianity and Communists to gain power. The NAZI Party, which included the words "National Socialist," was a nationalistic flavor that appealed to a small enough minority of voters in a time of crisis to elect him to power. Hitler often used the words Jews and opposition interchangeably.The NAZI Party platform was devoted to eliminating opposition. What Hitler did and said was just a pretext for establishing Fascist dictatorship. Watch this trailer to an actual documentary, financed by the Heritage Foundation:

Roots of the Ultra Left - What They Really Think

1920s - 30s - Adolph Hitler was a pure partisan bent on destroying any opposition by claiming to be a protector of the people.

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood." -- Adolph Hitler

Hitler's distortion of Christianity ignited the flames of antisemitism, burning in the problems we face in the middle-east today. Hitler chose the symbol of a twisted cross (swastika) from a Christian monastery to represent the twisted Christian views of the Nazi Party.

"My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-- Adolph Hitler 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler)

Hitler was portrayed as a compassionate Christian and strong leader protecting the German people from the terrorists who fire-bombed the Reichstag. He quietly pushed innocent sounding laws like the "Enabling Act," which promised to promote peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union and to end unemployment. It actually voted democracy out of existence in Germany and established the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Rise of Hitler

Hitler was a partisan

1933 - Attempted Coup against FDR - Few Americans know that during the Great Depression, some of America 's wealthiest families, including the Morgans and DuPonts, fearful of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal policies, conspired to overthrow the government of the United States and install a fascist dictatorship.

The Attempted Coup Against FDR

In 1933 Major General Smedley Darlington Butler reported to Congress a coup d'etat plot against President Franklin Roosevelt, sponsored by corporate interests. Alarmed by Roosevelt's Democratic "New Deal," which would redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor, Irenee Du Pont, Grayson Murphy, William Doyle, John Davis and other representatives of J.P. Morgan banks, Du Pont, Goodyear and Bethlehem Steel, sought to overthrow the U.S. government with a military coup and replace it with a fascist state, based on the success of Mussolini and Hitler in Italy and Germany.

General Butler was immensely popular with veterans and active troops. As a war hero, twice awarded the Medal of Honor, General Butler was known as "The Fighting Quaker" and a man of unimpeachable honesty and integrity. The conspirators tried to recruit Butler, promising him a Department of Homeland Security army of 500,000, unlimited financial backing and generous media spin control. The plot was foiled when Butler reported it to Congress.

To prevent a panic, Congress whitewashed the public version of its final report, deleting the names of the powerful businessmen, whose reputations they sought to protect. The corporate owned media managed to spin the story as rumors and hearsay. The plot was covered up for many years. In 1967, journalist John Spivak uncovered the Committee's internal, secret report that clearly confirmed Butler 's story.

The Plot Against FDR

The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than they are. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

- Right-wing conservative J Edgar Hoover blackmailed Democratic President Harry Truman by using Truman aides to direct the Bureau in the surveillance and investigation of a number of prominent people in the government as possible communist spies. The bait was taken and Truman, without his knowledge, was compromised by the requests of his subordinates. Read More...

1942 - George Bush's Grandfather bankrolled Hitler. Seizure of Union Banking Corporation (US Bank of Hitler via Fritz Thyssen). Prescott Bush (George Bush's Grandfather) held one share during this time worth $1.5 million when UBC liquidated in 1951 after World War II. This is the money that launched the Bush family fortunes.

How George Bush's Grandfather Bankrolled Hitler

1948 - "I ask this convention, to say in unmistakable terms that we proudly hail, and we courageously support, our President and leader Harry Truman in his great fight for civil-rights in America!" -- Hubert Humphrey

This speech began to push members out of the partisan party and led to the opposition "Southern Strategy," which appealed to racists. The passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act led to the shift of partisan control of the South.

Red state vs. blue state divide

Southern Strategy - Under the guise of "states' rights," partisans developed the Southern Strategy to exploit the racial conflicts in southern states by tapping into racism and bigotry, using themes like "racial quotas" and "welfare queens" to neutralize candidates in the South. Also known as "race-baiting." The strategy more recently was expanded and refined to divide and exploit cultural issues of sexism. Read More...

Hoover worked with young Republican Congressman Richard Nixon to embarrass Democrat Harry Truman and elect Republican Thomas E. Dewey in the 1948 presidential election. Truman won anyway. Read More...

"Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time."
-- Harry S. Truman

"If you like your doctor and policy, you can keep them. And their prices will fall."--Barack Hussein Obama

1950 – Tricky Dick - The Korean War began, the Communists completed their takeover of China , and the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb. Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Hollywood blacklist made headlines across the country. Richard Nixon and former actress Helen Douglas were members of Congress campaigning for a seat in the U.S. Senate. In the climate of Red hysteria, Nixon's chief election strategy was smearing Douglas as a Communist sympathizer. She was, he said, "pink right down to her underwear." Murray Chotiner, Nixon's campaign manager, ran one of the dirtiest campaigns in US history.

Tricky Dick & the Pink Lady: Richard Nixon vs. Helen Douglas

1950s - McCarthyism - Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy accused the entire administration of President Harry Truman of harboring communists. Read More...

"If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. It's an old political trick. But this time it won't work."
-- Harry S. Truman

When President Truman was told to give ‘em hell Harry, he said: “I just tell the truth and they think it's hell” -- Harry S. Truman

FBI Director J Edgar Hoover had a great deal of damaging evidence on Senator Joseph McCarthy's heavy drinking, fabricated military record, illegal campaign financing, compulsive gambling and several credible allegations of child molestation, including two documented incidents with girls under the age of ten. Hoover allowed McCarthy free reign to ruin the lives of many innocent people. Read More...

At the start of the McCarthy era, Floridia Senator Claude Pepper, one of the Senate's most outspoken members, was on the opposition "hit list." Opponent George Smathers repeatedly attacked Pepper for having communist sympathies, pointing out his pro-civil rights platform and campaign for universal health care. Smathers invoked the "Red Scare," calling Pepper "the Red Pepper." He launched a campaign to expose Pepper's secret "vices," disclosing that Pepper was "a known extravert," his sister was a "thespian," and his brother was a "practicing homo sapien." Also, when Pepper went to college, he actually "matriculated." Worst of all, he "practiced celibacy" before marriage. 

Rural Florida voters were horrified, and Pepper lost. The reason this example is actually clever and lacking the typical viciousness of Republican dirty tricks is because Smathers was less partisan and this example happened during a primary race. Read More...

1952 – J Edgar Hoover spread untrue rumors that Democratic Presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson was gay. Read More...

"I will make a bargain with the Republicans. If they will stop telling lies about Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them." -- Adlai Stevenson

1956 - COINTELPRO - When Soviet leader Khrushchev revealed the crimes of Joseph Stalin, crushed dissent in Poland and Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary, support for the Communist Party in the United States collapsed. But that didn't stop J Edgar Hoover, who made a fortune having government employees ghost write (on government time) "Masters of Deceit," a highly successful mass market rationale for continuing the anti-Communist crusade. This continued to fan the flames of red baiting and secured Hoover's role in protecting America with continued dirty tricks. Hoover initiated the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) to infiltrate and disrupt the Communist Party in the U.S. using "dirty tricks," undercutting leadership with false rumors, and manipulating party policies by infiltration and surveillance. Hoover later extended this program to include peace activist groups, veterans against the war and Martin Luther King.

1962 - Operation Northwoods - Partisan-appointed U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, under Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of false flag terrorism in U.S. cities as a pretext for a war against Cuba . "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," [as happened with in the Havana Harbor in 1898 with the explosion of the USS Maine]. "Casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation." Then President John Kennedy stopped the operation, further irritating partisan hawks. Based on reports U.S. military leaders encouraged subordinates to vote partisan during the 1960 election, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigated and published a report on extremism in the military, warning a "considerable danger" in the "education and propaganda activities of military personnel" had been uncovered. Read More...

Operation Northwoods

"The Bay of Pigs has taught me a number of things. One is not to trust Generals or the CIA, and the second is that if the American people do not want to use American troops to remove a Communist regime ninety miles away from our coast, how can I ask them to use troops to remove a Communist regime 9,000 miles away [in Vietnam]?"
-- John F. Kennedy

One important point that gets lost in all the conspiracy theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy is the indisputable fact that the FBI and Secret Service did a tremendously terrible job of protecting the President. JFK was actually shot to death in broad daylight outdoors. There were many opportunities to prevent the assassination but it just didn't happen.

The FBI opened a file on Lee Harvey Oswald when he defected to Russia in 1959. Oswald was interviewed by the FBI when he returned in 1962 with his wife Marina. The FBI knew Oswald was subscribing to Communist publications and joined the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in 1963. The FBI was aware of Oswald's move to New Orleans in August of 1963, where he became involved in both pro and anti Communist activities. They knew he went to Mexico City in September, 1963 to meet with a Soviet KGB officer, and tried to meet with Cuban officials. The FBI knew Oswald returned from Mexico to Dallas in early November and got a job at the Texas Book Depository.

When Dallas FBI Agent James Hosty interviewed Oswald's wife Marina, Oswald went to the FBI building in Dallas and left Hosty a note. The receptionist claimed the note included a threat to "blow up the FBI and the Dallas Police Department if you don't stop bothering my wife." That note should have landed Oswald in jail for life, but a few weeks later, after the JFK assassination, Hosty was ordered to destroy the note by his superior Gordon Shanklin. Oswald's address book contained the name and phone number of FBI Agent Hosty. However, the Warren Commission was supplied a typewritten transcript which did not include Hosty's name and phone number. Oswald's letter remained a secret for thirteen years, when someone in the FBI tipped off a journalist about its existence.

How is it possible the all powerful, rabid anti-communist, wire-tapping happy Hoover FBI didn't know exactly what Lee Harvey Oswald was doing? How is it possible the FBI and Secret Service allowed the President's parade route to include that slow dog leg turn down Dealey Plaza, right in front of the Book Depository, where they knew worked a homicidal nut case? That was some really incredible incompetence or deliberate design.

J Edgar Hoover then worked for one of his oldest and closest friends and former neighbor, Lyndon Baines Johnson. LBJ gave Hoover free reign to spy on Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and eventually every major anti-Vietnam-War group.

Dallas FBI Agent James Hosty

J. Edgar Hoover and LBJ

Warren Report - On a White House tape recording, President Nixon was heard telling aides that the [Warren Report] "was the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated." The results of the Warren Report rested largely on the famous “Single Bullet” theory dreamed up by then staff attorney Arlen Specter, later elected Senator from Pennsylvania. Read More... Also... Also...

Not everyone recalls Nixon enjoyed the support of Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa, which may have partly accounted for his disappearance. 

Dirty Politics of Richard Nixon

1964 - J Edgar Hoover issued a memo requesting agents to gather "information concerning [Martin Luther] King's personal proclivities... in order that we may consider using this information at an opportune time in a counterintelligence move to discredit him." Read More...

1968 – China Lobby
- In order to win the presidential campaign of 1968, Republican operatives undermined a serious initiative to end the Vietnam War benefiting the Military Industrial Complex decried by his former boss, President Eisenhower. Richard Nixon won the election, the war continued for seven more years and more than 20,000 American soldiers and millions more Southeast Asians died as a result. Read More...

1970 - As a protégé of Donald Segretti (convicted Watergate conspirator), Karl Rove, from Sparks, Nevada and Salt Lake City, posed as a volunteer at the Chicago campaign headquarters of Alan Dixon, running for State Treasurer. Rove stole official campaign letterhead and sent out 1,000 invitations to people in the city's red-light district and soup kitchens, offering "free beer, free food, girls, and a good time for nothing" at Dixon headquarters. When hundreds of rowdy alcoholics showed up at a fancy reception for Dixon, Rove succeeded in disrupting an important fundraiser. Dixon still won the election. Admitting to the incident much later, Rove said, "I was nineteen and I got involved in a political prank."

CREEP - The Committee to Re-Elect the President, CREEP, employed wiretaps, burglary, forgery, character assassination, and IRS audits to neutralize opposition candidates and partisan control for Nixon's run in 1972. CREEP operatives destroyed the political credibility of viable candidates with methodical “black bag" operations to plant, leak, and hype manufactured dirt. Donald Segretti, as the head of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), called it “RAT F#CKING” as in screwing a “DemocRAT.” It included false press releases, forging letters, spying on rival campaigns, black mail, stuffing ballot boxes and conducting deceptive or offensive "push polling." Read More...

1971 - FBI Uncovered - On March 8, 1971, A small FBI office in Media, PA, was burglarized and hundreds of documents were taken that told the story of widespread surveillance and wiretapping. When the documents were published, the public found out the FBI was guilty of extensive invasion of privacy. Other embarrassing revelations included the firing of an agent because his wife was dying and it was hurting morale. Hoover was no longer untouchable. He was becoming a target.

Nixon's Enemies List - On September 9, 1971, President Nixon ordered Charles Colson to compile an "Enemies List" sent in memorandum form to John Dean on September 9, 1971 . The list was part of a campaign officially known as "Political Enemies Project." The official purpose, described by the White House Counsel's Office, was to "screw" Nixon's political enemies, by means of tax audits from the IRS, manipulating "grant availability, federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, etc." The list included current Rep. John Conyers, Paul Newman, Bill Cosby, Jane Fonda, Steve McQueen, Barbra Streisand, The New York Times, and the Washington Post.

Nixon's Enemies List

President Obama's Administration and the IRS under Treasury Secretary Geithner, IRS Commissioner Douglass Shulman and Lois Lerner, did similar to Obama political opposition to get the President re-elected, with numerous visits to the White House not prosecuted by Obama's Department of Justice.

The Pentagon Papers
- When Nixon suspected psychiatrist Daniel Ellsberg of leaking the Pentagon Papers, special operatives called The 'Plumbers'
were assembled to fix the leaks, by breaking into Ellsberg's office to find dirt to discredit him.

The Plumbers - The Plumbers operations expanded to spy on and neutralize the opposition before the 1972 election. The Plumbers planted electronic listening devices in the Watergate headquarters of the National Party Committee, but the operation went awry on June 17, 1972 , when the White House burglars went back in to replace malfunctioning bugs and were arrested. CIA officer Miles Copeland, in his 1978 book, The Real Spy World p. 299, wrote: “On one occasion, Jojo's [a pseudonym for a high-level CIA officer] office was asked for an LSD-type drug that could be slipped into the lemonade of opposition orators, thus causing them to say sillier things than they would say anyhow. Read More...

This may have happened to Presidential Candidate Edmund Muskie, who reportedly broke down crying at a Press Conference in the snow, defending his wife from a forged document given to the press to smear her, another Nixon dirty trick.

Republican Karl Rove dropped out of college to devote full time to College Republicans, where he became protégé of dirty trickster Lee Atwater, the group's Southern regional coordinator. Rove became executive director, then national chairman of the College RNC with dirty tricks.

1972 - Watergate - Republican operatives broke in to the Democratic National Committee HQ to spy and fix an existing "bug." On October 10, 1972 FBI agents established the Watergate break-in stemmed from a massive campaign of political spying and sabotage of opposition candidates conducted on behalf of the Nixon reelection effort. Read More... Also...

"I am not a crook" -- Richard Nixon, 1973

"If the President does it, it can't be illegal" -- Richard Nixon, 1977

Nixon immediately launched a cover-up, drawing White House officials into criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice. Only the release of Nixon's White House tapes, under order of the U.S. Supreme Court, made clear Nixon was lying. On Aug. 9, 1974 , Nixon resigned the Presidency.

Watergate Tapes Online
Watergate Washington Post Archive

Despite overwhelming evidence of Nixon's guilt, his party partisans blamed the media for Nixon's downfall. Republicans doubled their efforts to build a network of think tanks, media outlets and attack groups to fight back.

Excellent BBC Site on Watergate

[Chuck] "Colson, on the other hand, was as nasty a political operative as could be found. Colson was brutal, cruel and vicious... While he once famously said he would run over his grandmother to get Nixon reelected... Indeed, to this day we don't know the full extent of Colson's activities. He even refused to tell Nixon some of the things he had done. Karl Rove, from what I've seen, makes Colson look like a novice." -- John Dean - Salon Interview - "Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush".

More vicious than Tricky Dick

The "Canuck" letter - February 24, 1972. The "Canucks" letter was forged by Republican operatives alleging Democratic favorite Edmund Muskie condoned a racial slur on Americans of French-Canadian descent as "Canucks" and implicating his wife. The letter's immediate effect was to compel the candidate to give a humiliating speech in front of the newspaper's offices, known simply as "the crying speech". The letter's indirect effect was the implosion of Muskie's candidacy. Read More...

FBI Finds Nixon Aides Sabotaged Democrats

Muskie Sex Letter - February 2, 1972 A Tampa party accountant named George A. Hearing plead guilty to publishing and distributing the "Muskie sex letter" on stationery from “Citizens for Muskie” The letter accused the Democratic favorite with depraved sex acts. The letter was also prepared with the help of Robert Benz, a Young Party leader from Tampa. Read More...

Buchanan Outlined Plan to Harass Democrats in '72

Republican Karl Rove painted McGovern as a "left-wing peacenik," in spite of McGovern's World War II service piloting a B-24 bomber. Rove also worked as staff assistant to George Bush Sr., then chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC).

1973 - Republican Karl Rove introduced Dirty Tricks mentor Lee Atwater to Bush Sr. Atwater later became the "political attack dog" for the Reagan-Bush team. He helped Bush Sr. become president, and Atwater became RNC chairman.

Karl Rove Chronological Tour

1976 - Jimmy Carter was widely attacked by partisans for truthfully admitting he had experienced moments of lust.

1980 - Bill Casey's Theft and Reagan's Debate Performance - In a 1983 book, Gambling with History, Time correspondent Laurence Barrett revealed Reagan campaign aides "filched" (stole) President Carter's briefing papers to help prepare Reagan for the 1980 debate. Chief of Staff James Baker later said Reagan's campaign manager William Casey was the thief. Ronald Reagan defended the theft saying: "It probably wasn't too much different than the press rushing into print with the Pentagon Papers." Reagan appointed William Casey to head the CIA, where he became chief architect of the Iran-contra operation. Read More...

Under Casey, the CIA focused on destabilizing and bankrupting the Soviet Union to stop the spread of communism by working with corrupt dictators to unleash death-squads throughout Central America and Africa, conducting massive drug smuggling with Nicaraguan Contras, Afghan Mujahadeen. They plundered the world's banking system, most notably through the corrupt BCCI bank, which paid off a key Iranian in the October Surprise. The CIA armed Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons and intelligence to fight Iran. CIA trained and supplied the Afghan Mujahadeen, including Osama bin Laden (Tim Osman) and his army, which later became Al queda/Al CIAda. Media highlighted favorable stories about Reagan while joining with the administration and attack groups to discredit mainstream journalists who reported information that put Reagan policies in a negative light.

1980 - The October surprise - Republican operatives encourageed Iran not to release the hostages prior to the presidential election with the promise of unfreezing Iranian assets under Ronald Reagan. Former CIA operative and Director GHW Bush was said to have flown in the SR-71 Blackbird at Mach 3+ to offer guns for hostages with an alibi.

"The CIA Old Boys were reeling. In the 1970s, exposure of their dirty games and dirty tricks made the Cold Warriors look sinister--and silly. Then, President Carter ordered a housecleaning that left scores of CIA men out in the cold. In 1980, the CIA men wanted back in and their champion was former CIA director George Bush. With Bush and Ronald Reagan in power, the old spies could resume their work with a vengeance. The temptation was to do to Jimmy Carter what the CIA had done to countless other world leaders--overthrow him." --Robert Parry, Bush and a CIA Power Play, February 29, 1996

Oct. 18, 1980 , Chicago Tribune reporter John Maclean told a U.S. foreign service officer, David Henderson, that a Republican source had supplied a fascinating tip -- that George Bush was flying to Paris to discuss the hostages with Iranians.

"The Iranian parliament was meeting and we had every information from Bani-Sadr and others that they were going to vote overwhelmingly to let the hostages go. And at the last minute on Sunday [two days before the election] for some reason they had adjourned without voting.... The votes were there, but the Ayatollah or somebody commanded them to adjourn." -- President Jimmy Carter

"The phrase 'October Surprise' kept cropping up and was soon campaign rhetoric. The more I listened, the more I realized that they were actually dreading the thought that the hostages might be released--if it happened at a time they thought would be inconvenient for their election plans." … "[I] think the hostages' release...had to do with a deal, struck before the deal-maker was in office." -- Patti Davis (Reagan's daughter) Read More...

1980 - Republican Karl Rove was fired by the Reagan/Bush campaign for disclosing confidential information to journalist Bob Novak.

1980s - The Iran-Contra Affair revealed a Republican cabal to illegally sell weapons to U.S. enemy Iran, to finance the training and support of a Nicaragua Contra drug cartel that used CIA trained death squads to terrorize and maintain control over the people to grow and harvest cocaine. On Nov. 18, 1987 a Congressional report stated US President Ronald Reagan bore "ultimate responsibility" for wrongdoing by his aides in the Iran-Contra Affair. The reporter who linked the CIA to the sale of Nicaraguan crack in Los Angeles in the 1980s was found with two bullet holes in the back of his head, ruled a suicide. Read More...

Reporter Who Linked CIA to Crack Sales Found Dead

Key people implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal reappeared at high-level posts in later Republican administrations, most notably in George W. Bush's administration.

Iran Contra Success Stories

BCCI Affair - Pakistan-based Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) catered to the most notorious tyrants and thugs of the late 20th century. These included Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the heads of the Medellin cocaine cartel, Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal, Manuel Noriega, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and a web of Washington lobbyists with close ties to President George H.W. Bush.

BCCI was a massive criminal enterprise, engaged in fraud and money laundering for drug dealers, terrorists and arms traffickers all around the world. A French intelligence report obtained by The Washington Post in 2002 described the financial network operated by bin Laden today "as similar to the network put in place in the 1980s by BCCI." As one senior U.S. investigator said in 2002, "BCCI was the mother and father of terrorist financing operations." Democratic Senator John Kerry presided over the Senate probe that exposed the fraud, abuse and terrorist financing. Read More...

BCCI was also linked to the Clintons and illegal foreign campaign donations via Jackson Stephens in Mena, Arkansas and elsewhere.

1986 - Karl Rove helped Bill Clement, the first Republican in a century to win a Texas gubernatorial race by holding a press conference to announce a bug had been found in his office. Rove complained how their campaign strategy was showing up so consistently in the other camp. The bug had only 2 hours left in a 3 hour battery life, which barely gave Rove time to plant the bug, call the police and news media and smear a Democrat Mark White.

1988 - Willie Horton Ads - The 1988 Bush-Quayle “Willie Horton” commercial played to overt racism and fear mongering. Whisper campaigns questioned Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis' mental state and the allegation Kitty Dukakis once burned an American flag. Read More...
1992 - Ross Perot accused Republicans of "dirty tricks" against his presidential campaign, including a wiretap in his Dallas office, threats to publish phony nude photos of his daughter and sabotage her wedding. In July, Perot dropped out until after his daughters wedding and then re-entered the race, splitting the conservative ticket with George Bush so Bill Clinton won the presidency. Read More...

House Bank scandal - Republican Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, along with 7 freshman Republicans referred to as the Gang of Seven or "The Young Turks," tried to get rid of Democratic Congressmen by making a dramatic public display of denouncing corrupt Democrats in the House Bank scandal. Congressionals got advances on their paychecks because of very loose rules in the House Bank, not actually a bank. No money was stolen or lost. This back-fired a little when it was found Newt had also written a number of overdraft checks. Read More...

Check Scandal Reaches High Into Bush Cabinet

Political Scandals of the United States

1994 - Republican Karl Rove helped George W. Bush in his Governors race against incumbent Democrat Ann Richards. Rove started a whisper campaign that Richards was gay and ran push polling phone calls asking voters "would you be more or less likely to vote for Governor Richards if you knew her staff is dominated by lesbians."

Rather ironic, considering Rove reportedly divorced his second wife to marry a gay prostitute:

1996 - Billionaire H Ross Perot on "Meet the Press" said Republican Party operatives had asked him in 1992 for $1 million to finance a political dirty tricks campaign before he entered the race as an independent candidate. Perot, implicated Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour.

Perot says GOP backed dirty tricks

Troopergate and the Arkansas Project

Troopergate was an early part of the "Arkansas Project." Republican fundraiser Peter W. Smith admitted to paying Arkansas State troopers Larry Patterson and Roger Perry $6,700 each to smear the reputation of President Bill Clinton. Self described "Conservative Hit Man" David Brock, writing for the Scaife- owned American Spectator, wrote and broke the story in 1993.

In a 1997 Esquire article titled "I Was a Conservative Hit Man" Brock recanted his claims. In 1998 he went further and personally apologized to Clinton. 

Brock went on to write: "Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative" in which he exposed the right-wing conspiracy to destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton and Anita Hill.

Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative

The "Arkansas Project"

The "Arkansas Project" funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, was designed to damage and end the presidency of Bill Clinton through a series of investigations. 

After using more than $25 million of taxpayer money to trump charges against the Clintons on Whitewater, Troopergate, Travelgate and Filegate, they settled for exploiting the fear of Hillary Clinton, to trap Bill Clinton into fudging about an affair.

February 12, 1999 The Republican-controlled Senate acquitted President Clinton of all impeachment charges, with Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Bar Bouncer Craig Livingstone accused of misusing hundreds of raw FBI files to tamper with the Senate vote. Kenneth Starr exonerated them and the Judicial Watch lawsuit dismissed by a Federal JUdge after the Bush administration refused to investigate:

President Clinton was asked, "have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1, as modified by the Court." The definition excluded oral sex and President Clinton truthfully answered: "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky." The founding fathers defined impeachment for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors against the United States."

CIA operative Barry Seal came forward to refute the Republican attempt to link Clinton with Pablo Escobar. In fact the drug ring in question was actually being run as a CIA sting operation and had nothing to do with Clinton:

The Arkansas Project smear campaign was amplified by the propaganda organs of the Republican Party including The Washington Times, owned by cult leader Sun Myung Moon, propagandist billionaire Rupert Murdoch (FOX News and New York Post) as well as Rush Limbaugh and the Internet "Drudge Report."

During the Clinton presidency the federal budget moved from a quarter-trillion-dollar deficit to a 2 trillion dollar projected surplus. Clinton balanced the US budget, fostered the longest economic expansion in US history, reduced crime and the number of people on welfare. Unemployment dropped from 7.5% to below 4% for the first time in more than 30 years and the Dow Jones rose from 3,200 to a record breaking 10,000.

Under President Clinton, the Federal debt increased 1.4 Trillion dollars.

Sept. 20, 2000 - Independent counsel announced that the Whitewater investigation was closed due to insufficient evidence against the president and first lady.

Clinton TimelineArkansas Project
The Hunting of the President
The Republican Noise Machine: Media and How they Corrupt Democracy

Republicans launched over 55 official congressional investigations against President Clinton, including one investigation on the Clinton family cat "Socks" and 12 hours of testimony on the use of the White House Christmas card list. Not one official congressional investigation was started on George W. Bush.

GOP Investigated Pres. Clinton’s Cat

2000 - Republican Karl Rove was at the heart of George Bush's vicious smear campaign against fellow Republican John McCain in the South Carolina primary. He claimed McCain was a stoolie while a P.O.W. in Vietnam and emotionally unstable. Rove is credited with a coordinated stealth campaign of push polling which asked South Carolina voters: "If you knew John McCain fathered an illegitimate black child would you be more or less likely to vote for him?" This was followed up with direct mail and church parking lot flyers to convince voters McCain's adopted Bangladeshi daughter was actually his illegitimate daughter and that his wife was a drug addict. A Bush operative stole McCain's email lists and directly emailed McCain's supporters with scandal and lies. Ironically, Karl Rove's mentor, Lee Atwater, was the political strategist for Strom Thurman, U.S. Senator from South Carolina, who actually did have an illegitimate African American daughter.

The 2000 presidential campaign was overwhelmed by a smokescreen of suspicion created around Al Gore, designed to demoralize the Democratic base and suppress the overall vote.

Al Gore Myths Debunked

The Press vs. Al Gore

Bush debate material was sent to Al Gore's campaign in an effort to make it appear as if Gore was spying on Bush. Bush's cousin called the race for Bush on FOX News, leading other networks to follow suit, prematurely. 

Thousands of Florida voters were wiped from the voting rolls by brother Governor Jeb Bush.

In May of 2001, the preliminary findings of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, regarding the stolen election of 2000, were published, concluding that Florida Gov. Bush, and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris turned a blind eye on election day which caused “a pattern of injustice, ineptitude and inefficiency.” Read More...

"The Commission found that the problems Florida had during the 2000 presidential election were serious and not isolated. In many cases, they were foreseeable and should have been prevented. The failure to do so resulted in an extraordinarily high and inexcusable level of disenfranchisement, with a significantly disproportionate impact on African American voters."

Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election

Republican corporations "Privatised" voting in the U.S. and took control of the nation's elections, after Democrats did similar.

Which Corporation Owns Your Vote?
An open invitation to election fraud

2000 - Attacking Hillary - Right-wing propagandist Rupert Murdoch attacked Hillary Clinton in the midst of her 2000 senate race with a poisonous smear campaign. Murdoch-owned New York Post claimed that in 1974 Hillary had called one of her husband's aides "a f#cking Jew bastard." The story was based on a book published by Murdoch-owned HarperCollins, titled State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The media went to town with the story and within hours, it was repeated on CNN, NBC, and of course, Murdoch-owned FOX News. Eventually it was discovered the source and object of the story was a former Clinton campaign aide named Paul Fray, who was Baptist, not Jewish. He lost his law license for taking a bribe. Fray wrote Mrs. Clinton in 1997 and apologized for calling her names and spreading false stories about her. The damage was done, but Clinton won anyway.

2002 - Republican Dirty tricks ousted Democratic Sen. Max Cleland by attacking his patriotism. Cleland, who volunteered for Vietnam and left three limbs there, had to endure seeing pictures of himself in a Republican Saxby Chambliss campaign ad next to images of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Chambliss sat out the Vietnam war with a bad knee.

Dirty-Bomb Politics

Republicans in Michigan recruited “stealth” candidates to run as phony Democrats for nine state Senate seats. The Muskegon Chronicle exposed and derailed the plan.

Republican "dirty tricks" in US mid-term elections

2003 - On July 8, Syndicated columnist Robert Novak mentioned to Rove that former ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA undercover operative. Rove's comment: "I heard that too." On July 8, Novak's syndicated column revealed publicly the classified information that, according to "two senior administration officials," Plame was an undercover CIA operative.

Wilson-Plame-Novak-Rove Timeline

Republicans Scooter Libby and Karl Rove, nicknamed “Turd Blossum” by George Bush, were the prime suspects in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame as hardball payback for her husband Joseph Wilson's criticism of the Bush administration yellowcake uranium Weapons of Mass Destruction claims.

Republican staff members of the US Senate Judiciary Committee infiltrated opposition computer files for a year, monitoring secret strategy memos and periodically passing on copies to the media, Senate officials told The Globe. From the spring of 2002 until at least April 2003, members of the GOP committee staff exploited a computer glitch that allowed them to access restricted Democratic communications without a password.

Senate GOP staff pried on Democrats

"Republican psy-ops are conveyor-belt slick, and ever on the offensive. The Heritage Foundation alone has lines to 1,500 conservative radio talk-show hosts. They build infrastructure, they build TV studios. Eighty percent of the talking heads on television are from conservative think tanks. Eighty percent. They train their people.” -- George Lakoff, Rockridge Institute

2004 - Republican Karl Rove was credited with an orchestrated stealth campaign of phone calls, direct mail and email in the bible belt claiming that if John Kerry were elected, he would ban the Holy Bible in America. Church goers all across the country were told to "vote for the Christian."

Republican operative Nathan Sproul's company was under investigation for allegedly destroying voter registration forms signed by Democrats. Then came new evidence about Sproul's connections to the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Republican dirty tricks

A Swiftboat Vet group financially bankrolled by Bush supporters bankrolled TV ads smearing the military record of John Kerry.

Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record
Swiftboat Veterans: their lies and the real truth about John Kerry

George Bush's New England campaign chairman in 2004, a top Republican Party official, was convicted on telephone harassment charges for his part in a plot to jam election day 2002 phones used to give rides to the polls. James Tobin could have gotten up to seven years in prison and $500,000 in fines when he was sentenced. His conviction was overturned on appeal financed by the RNC, which
spent more than $2.83 million for his defense by the Washington, D.C. firm of Williams & Connolly. Three others with far fewer funds plea-bargained guilty.

Former Bush campaign official indicted in phone-jamming

Speaking of legal political shenanigans, Barack Hussein Obama used his judicial court legal connections to unseal divorce records of political opponents to defeat them.

2005 - Phony Robo Calls - The Republican Party made illegal phony robo calls pretending to be Democrat in 2005 VA Gov race. Read More...

Some readers may find this history, written mostly by a Democrat, to be biased, partisan or uneven. Yet, like Washington and Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet, we find a dirty trick plague on both their houses.

Our conclusion is that to overcome politics as usual, we must avoid all political parties, the root of corruption.

We will stop dirty political tricks when we do not elect parties and people who use them to win at all and any costs. 

To save our future we first and foremost have to elect the right people to represent US.
It's well beyond time for more common sense majority in government.

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Richard Charles
Silver Senator 2016
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