Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power" From Obama
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016 - 19:42 "The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built... The cure to these problems will not come from Washington D.C. Instead, the states must lead the way. The irony for our generation is that the threat to our Republic doesn’t come just from foreign enemies, it comes, in part, from our very own leaders."- Texas governor Greg Abbott
TransCanada Sues Obama Administration; Says Keystone Pipeline Rejection Was Unconstitutional
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/06/2016 - 23:01 Obama's Keystone pipeline rejection "mission accomplished" banner has just led to a big slap on the face of the former constitutional expert, and could carry a multi-billion dollar charge after later this afternoon, TransCanada filed a lawsuit in Federal court in Houston, suing the U.S. government and claiming the Obama acted unconstitutionally when he rejected the Keystone XL, while also seeking $15 billion alleging the pipeline denial was "arbitrary and unjustified."http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-06/transcanada-sues-obama-administration-says-keystone-pipeline-rejection-was-unconstit
https://youtu.be/5zNwOeyuG84 7:30
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU5M1UJnl44 4:05
I, Richard Charles, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
We called for Barrack Hussein Obama impeachments in 2011 after his first three years with Bill of Rights Violations, Healthcare Takedown 0Care's 22 bureaucratic new taxes on the middle class, illegal immigration deliberate destruction of borders putting US at risk of terrorism, Egypt, ISIS, Libya and Syria, Ukraine MENA US neoCon revolution takeover failures, Police State Espionage and Martial Law Indefinite Internment, all made it clear the U Chicago Constitutional Law Professor and 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Recipient was only using our Constitution to wipe his heinie/tookus for his Internationale sponsors of chaos, discord, divide and conquer with mayhem.
We had an alleged opposition party controlling the House since 2010, the highest number of House seats lost under a two-term president of the same party since Harry S. Truman.
We had an alleged opposition party controlling the Senate since 2014.
We suffered a President polling down (16%) toward the Courts (14%), Big Business (9%), Criminal Justice (9%) and Congress (4%):
We had an impeachment bill in Congress in 2012, with 35% of the opposition party on record for impeachment since 2011:
So what happened to the will of the people?
The leaderships of the majority opposition party of the House and Senate accomplished nothing for four years as American debts, economy, freedom, governance and reputation crumbled.
Thus we are vitally interested as the Constitutional Independent to see if New House Leadership, after pushing through the Obama Omnibus Bill, has the pride, integrity, guts or wisdom to impeach the members of our Executive Branch who flaunted our Constitution since elected in 2008, resulting in the lowest voting turnouts since World War II because people just do not like or trust career politicians:
Clearly our Supreme Court took voter apathy as a license to refuse to hear or constitutionally judge 0 challenges from Bill of Rights to eligibility to Executive Orders to 0Care to the warfare welfare debt empire circling the drain.
We currently see another movement to impeach the "Amateur" president and his minions:
FINALLY! Articles of impeachment being presented against Barack Hussein for 48 crimes against America. About damned time!
I don’t know whether to do cartwheels or yawn. Cartwheels because I am ecstatic to see this being done, seven years late, but at least being done, or yawn because the Republicans seem to be as much in bed with Barack Hussein, and it may very likely go nowhere (Come on, GOP, prove me wrong!).
Finally, someone has authored an(other) impeachment resolution against Barack Hussein.
Those someones are the patriots at North American Law Center, who drafted the impeachment resolution, which will be presented to the RNC by Michigan’s RNC committeeman, Dave Agema, who will be presenting the impeachment resolution to the RNC at their next meeting, January 13-15.
Among the charges in the impeachment resolution are: Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud; malfeasance, misconduct, and abuse of the Oval Office; and aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States.
The charges are certainly spot-on.
It is amazing that Barack Hussein has been able to get away with this for seven years.
My first question is should we waste our time with this?
Is there enough time to conduct impeachment hearings and a vote in the House, and then send the resolution to the Senate for a vote and conviction?
I don’t know, but I see great benefit in at least trying.
First, it should convince Hussein that he has been over the line, and needs to dial back his unconstitutional executive misdeeds, causing him to abandon his control freak agenda.
Second, we may actually impeach AND convict this guy.
Getting the resolution through the House should be no trouble. [Obama Omnibus Paul Ryan?]
It’s the Senate that will present the greatest challenge, where we need a 2/3 majority, 67 of 100 sitting senators, for conviction.
There are 54 Republicans in the Senate, so we’ll need a handful of Democrats (13) to pull this off. Possible.
Third, the impeachment process and publicity of the charges will certainly degrade the Democrat Party in an important election year. Go for it!
Best of luck, ladies and gentlemen in Congress.
Git ‘er done!
NALC Articles of Impeachment against Barrack Hussein….
Michigan’s Republican National Committee committeeman will be introducing a resolution featuring articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama during the RNC’s January 13-15 meetings.
Dave Agema told The Daily Wire that he will introduce the resolution of 48 criminal charges written by the North American Law Center to the RNC, and the resolution will call on House Republicans to begin the impeachment process.
“It’s simply asking our House of Representatives…to abide by their oath of office and accomplish what they should do,” Agema said.
Some of Obama’s impeachable offenses include his executive orders on guns, illegal immigration, Syrian refugee program, Obamacare, gun-running, and spying on Congress, according to Agema.
“The way it works is one House of Representatives member puts in impeachment articles for the House and it starts the process,” Agema said.
“Recently, we didn’t own the House and the Senate, but Republicans do now, and the purpose of it really is we’re a nation of laws and separation of powers.”
Agema explained that one House member could write up the impeachment articles, which would then go to the House Judiciary Committee, which has 23 Republicans and requires only 20 votes to make it to the House floor.
It would take 218 House members to pass, and there are 246 Republicans in the House.
If the House votes to impeach Obama, then the Senate would serve as a jury and would require a two-thirds vote of present senators to remove the president from office.
Agema also pointed out there would be
co-conspirators named in Obama’s lawless actions, including Vice
President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and
in the public setting of an impeachment trial the latter’s presidential
campaign would be negatively affected.
“It lets the president, Obama, know that we’re not going to put up with his ability to go around the Constitution.
Secondly, it warns any future president that he doesn’t have that right either, and it encourages the base to get involved,” Agema said.
The committeeman also said that the GOP owes this to its grassroots base.
“A lot of them have been disenfranchised by the lack of leadership and the lack of aggression to go after some of these things, especially when it comes to Obamacare and funding Planned Parenthood,” Agema said.
In a Facebook post, TNALC naturally expressed support for Agema and went over some “common false objections” to impeachment:
- We don’t have the votes to impeach! – Why not, since we only need 20 of 23 Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee to advance Articles to the full House, only 218 of 247 House Republicans to Impeach in the House… no democrats needed until the Senate trial.
- The Senate won’t convict! – We need 2/3 of the senators “present” at the end of the trial in order to convict and remove. The Senate is NOT a “legislative” body under legislative rules in the case of impeachment. They are a “criminal jury” operating under very strict Rules similar to any criminal jury. NO “co-conspirator” can sit on the jury…. How many Senators will be “present” at the end of the trial?
- We will get Joe Biden! – No… because Joe Biden was directly involved in every Obama crime, he is ineligible to succeed Obama to the Oval Office. Evidence presented in the Obama trial will demonstrate Biden’s complicity, as well and that of Hillary Clinton.
- What about the Court of Public Opinion? – An impeachment trial must be aired on open TV for the nation and world to see. The court of public opinion is more important that the Senate Jury, who will be swayed by the Court of Public Opinion.
- Big donors don’t matter, compared to the voters! – No matter how many millions a handful of GOP donors pour into the 2016 election — it will not result in votes in the election booth. Republicans must regain the faith of their voters, which they cannot do at this point without impeachment of President Obama!
Thomas Madison
Ex-Army officer and stone-cold patriot, Thomas Madison is on a mission to contribute in any and every way to the restoration of and strict obedience to the United States Constitution, that divinely-inspired, concise, intentionally and specifically broad (wrap your head around that oxymoron) blueprint which has gifted the world with the concept and realization of individual liberty and unlimited prosperity. We, as a nation, have lost our way. We have spent the past one-hundred years attempting to fix what was never broken. As with building anything, when you can't figure it out, consult the blueprint.bit.ly/1VLrTY4
It became clear to all with Top Down DC Institutional Inertia, what our country needs are more Constitutional Independents in Washington, DC.
Right now D's and R's "team players" win the funding and committee assignment game, advancing and getting re-elected as they accept more and more bribe money to climb the ladder by voting according to their sponsors, Speakers and Majority Leader, against American Values.
2016 is our first opportunity in generations to correct Congress and our Courts with true representatives of all, not more 1% oligarchy, in Washington, DC.
Fellow citizens, our mutual prosperity depends upon due process, free economy, free elections, free speech, integrity, legal protection of liberty, life, property and self-defense.
Therefore we are only the leading Constitutional Independent Candidate for liberty, life, peace and prosperity.
We are not funded by special warfare welfare interests with anti-American conflicts of interest.
Thus we count on your self-interest and support now to win Independent Constitutional Representative Leadership for you and yours in 2016 and beyond:
Let's feel free to cancel paper propaganda, turn off TV brainwash, eschew social media espionage, yank cable umbilical cords to think for ourselves, family, friends, community, state and country.
Let's give, get out and about, to help US win freedom, peace, prosperity and American values.
Thank you.
Richard Charles
PO Box 1018
Crystal Bay
Nevada 89402-1018
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